Word for a year

My pastor asks us to choose a word to concentrate on for the year. I can’t remember what I ate today. I would need to develop a routine because I am not good about keeping my commitments. I will try to do what my pastor ask. I think the word that I will concentrate on this year is “patience”. I am going to start slow since I have all year to study this word. The first step is to start researching the meaning of patience.  Here is what I found. 


Philippians 4:67 6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” We follow this scripture when we have problems, but we should do this every day. It is important that we practice patience every day. 


https://columbiametro.com/ stated, “Patience will make you a physically healthier person. Research has shown that people who rate higher on patience have lower overall stress levels and less physical illness connected to stress.” Being impatient can kill or harm us. New virus is popping up every day. We need patience to stay healthy.  


https://meditationpsyche.com stated “When we are in a hurry or impatient for the next task, we always lose awareness of the present moment and start imagining things that are not in our control.” The only thing that matters is what happening now. When we mapped out a routine, we stay in control.  


These are only a few definitions for patience. This research will help me to lay sum ground rules so I can develop a plan to become a more patient person. I not trying to become Gandi or Martin Luther. I am trying to become a better me. What is your definition of patience and do you think that gaining patience is important to our wellbeing? 



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