Ree's Life Ree's Mindfulness Where did the time go?

Where did the time go?

The worst symptom of mental illness is focus. Focus is essential to everything we do. When we lose focus, we lose time. Time is too precious to lose. To obtain inner peace, we must focus on the present and enjoy every day because tomorrow is not promised. Time management skills are worth exploring, so I did a Google search to see how can I use my time wisely. Here is what I found. 

Work in 90 to 120-minute blocks 

Set your alarm to remind yourself to stop every 90 or 120 minutes. I have tried this a couple of times and I had fewer panic attacks. Take a five- or ten-minute break. You can eat a snack, do yoga, meditate, or read. The choice is yours and the options are limitless.  

Eliminate half-work 

“Do one thing at a time” is an old and true saying. If you try to do everything in one day, you will be tired and anxious. Plan out your day. Don’t make a “To Do” list. Take the task off your “To Do” list and put them on your calendar.  Make sure that you do one task at time. This is a great way to be prepare for other things that may happen and leave you time to enjoy your day.  

Divide your time in blocks 

Time management means that you have a routine. At work, you have a routine that you follow to stay productive. To stay balance, you must take care of your mind, body, and soul. Schedule a block for the mind. Read, meditate, or do yoga during your mind block. Add another block for the soul where you read, pray, or meditate. Exercise during your body block.  

These methods may seem lame, but they will help you to manage your time.

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