Ways on handling negative comments The best way to control your emotions is to get a game plan for difficult situations. I am not talking to the “Got it all

Ways on handling negative comments The best way to control your emotions is to get a game plan for difficult situations. I am not talking to the “Got it all
The first time I heard the phase, “fight or flight” was at a wellness and holistic conference a couple of years ago. It did not dawn on me that I
If you grew like I did, you went to church. It seems my family went to church every day. I thought my grandmother was overdoing the religion. As I got
What is peace. I use to believe that peace and happiness were the same thing but they are totally different. Happiness is a choice and peace is a decision. You
Detox 2022 You cannot detox your mind if you do not know yourself. This is the first and important process of letting unhealthy habits and thoughts go. When you have
During this time of uncertainty, we forget about the little things that is important. It seems like the enemy is trying his best to put fear in our minds and
Are you full of “shi@!”? Most of you are thinking the wrong thing. I am talking about Fecal Impaction. Fecal Impaction happens to about 20 percent of Americans and is a serious health
Matthew 11: 28-30 Mental health awareness month helps us to take a deeper look at mental illness. The stigma behind mental illness has not changed since Jesus walked this earth.